Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

How to Get Healthy Slowly

Feel like your new year's resolutions are just too taxing? You want to get healthy, but don't know where to begin? This is the perfect article for you! Losing weight or changing your unhealthy lifestyle shouldn't be drastic or unreasonable or you won't stick to it! Read on to find out more!

1. Observe your average diet for a week. What's good and bad? What habits do you have? Write down a list of what you do and then write down a list of what you should be doing. For example, if you write 'eat chocolate bar everyday' you need to write ' mostly avoid sweet, fatty carbohydrate packed foods '.

2. Try to workout what small steps you need to take to achieve the goal. So instead of just writing 'don't eat chocolate bars everyday' set yourself little tasks which will end up in that result. For example, you could write 'eat a chocolate bar every other day' or if you wanted to walk two miles a day you could write 'take the stairs instead of the lift' or 'park car slightly away from work'. This way you can take baby steps but still achieve your goal effectively.

Stick to your steps and avoid temptation. As these steps are gradual, you should manage to stick to them 99% of the time. However, if you slip up once and do take the lift, or drive all the way to work don't punish yourself; everyone makes mistakes! From every mistake you make, you learn something. If you get run over, you know to look left and right before crossing the street, if you gain a few pounds from eating that bag of chips you know that that's how you put on weight.

4. Appreciate that you're not just going to lose the weight ASAP. Many people take years to get to their 'goal' weight, which is the sensible and realistic way to go down.

5. Live, love and laugh - Enjoy yourself! Being healthy doesn't have to be boring! Healthy food can be fun too! Try growing your own vegetables or fruit for your salads... take the dog for some Frisbee fun!

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